How Do Safe Drivers Look!?!

Stop the Violence, Drive SafeThis is an ad from The Advertising Agency: Terremoto Propaganda, Curitiba, Brazil created for Ecovia, a mass transit company in Brazil.

From the picture, we can see a man getting punched in the jaw by another man, however a red car is painted across the man’s cheek and a green truck appears on the other man’s fist. It’s an ad advocating not to drink and drive. It’s a clever approach, because it’s a slightly startling image, and the use of color against the dark backdrop is stark and effective in capturing attention.

From here, we can see a variety of things.


For starters, all of the important elements are in close proximity. The fist and the face and their corresponding symbols that represent vehicles. The ad’s message is also right there in the thick of it. The company name isn’t too close to the rest of the elements as well, as we can see, because it’s supposedly the biggest takeaway.


Furthermore, when it comes to alignment, the two text spaces are distant from each other, but they still are along the same horizontal line. The main text is also right smack dab in the middle of the action as well.


Then, we can see elements of repetition in color. Much of the text is in white, but some of the text is in red which corresponds to the color of the car on the man’s face. Within the company’s symbol, there is some green which corresponds to the truck on the fist.


So, when it comes to contrast, most of the color is concentrated in the center of the image. As can be clearly seen, the backdrop is very dark and even the man’s hair and clothes are dark colors which add on the contrast between the black and the color.


Now, back to color. The ad uses minimal color, depending more on the drama of the lighting against the black for effect. Colors it does use though, are reds, warm colors designed to pop and greens which are cooler colors meant to contrast against the hotter colors.